1. This will be my first full triathlon. I am finally doing all three segments, although I "downgraded" to only do the 1/4 mile swim so I could enjoy the weekend and
2. This is my first girls weekend in 13 years of marriage. I realized that in 13 years of marriage I have NEVER done a girls weekend. Well, even a girls overnight! So, tomorrow I head out with a large group of ladies racing this weekend. Of course, it isn't a full weekend, since my husband and kids will meet me Saturday afternoon for some play time, dinner, and for me to nurse the baby. But, they will stay in their own hotel room while I stay with ladies racing the next morning so I can get a full night's rest and roll out of bed to the race that is beginning in the park where the hotel is!
3. This is the first time I am leaving my son overnight! I never left the girls overnight before they were at least a year old. This kind of makes me sad and makes me feel guilty.
4. This is my first multisports WEEKEND! This race is part of a larger event that is a full weekend long and includes an olympic distance, a half ironman, a 10K, and a half marathon as well as the two shorter races on Sunday so I will be eating, sleeping, and breathing multisports ALL weekend. It should be fun.
5. My 5 year old is also doing her first triathlon. The organizers have also put together a kids race that is on Sunday afternoon and my 5 year old is doing it. I am so excited for her!
So, in about 24 hours I am off to Chelanman - what a wild weekend it will be! Oh, yeah, Body and Mind, please take note that the SAME rules apply as two weeks ago!
Stay tuned for the results from my fun and crazy weekend!